District admin aims to de-silt a crore cubic metre soil this year

Nashik | Monday | 21st January, 2019


“After de-silting 1 crore cubic metre of soil, capacity to store more than 350 thousand million cubic feet of water will be created. We have, therefore, decided to target de-silting of over one crore cubic meter area. This will help in retaining a large amount of water after the monsoon,” district collector Radhakrishnan B said.One cubic metre of space can hold 1,000 litres of water. “The Tata Trust has promised 50 earthmovers for desliting in several talukas, while Bhartiya Jain Sanghatana has also promised 50 machines. They have promised to contribute for the act.In the meantime, the district administration has instructed all officials concerned to get the technical and administrative approvals for de-silting the water bodies..