Tawde hints at major reforms in education sector

Nashik | Tuesday | 17th January, 2017


State education minister Vinod Tawde on Monday hinted at major reforms in education sector that will be in the interest of the teachers.

We are planning similar moves that will bring glory to the professionals in the education sector," Tawde said.Later, Patil filed his nomination papers with returning officer Eknath Dawle, divisional revenue commissioner.

Patil was flanked by the Union minister of state for defence Subhash Bhamre, former MP Pratapdada Sonawane, district guardian minister Girish Mahajan and others.Prakash Desle of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Mahesh Kadus, Bapu Randhir, Sanjay Suryawanshi, and Vijay Gaikwad were the others who filed nomination papers on Monday.Congress candidate and sitting MLC, Sudhir Tambe is expected to file his nomination on Tuesday.

However, he did not provide any details since the model code of conduct is in effect in view of the graduates` constituency polls on February 3.


NASHIK: State education minister Vinod Tawde on Monday hinted at major reforms in education sector that will be in the interest of the teachers.

However, he did not provide any details since the model code of conduct is in effect in view of the graduates` constituency polls on February 3.Tawde was addressing supporters of BJP candidate for graduates` constituency Prashant Patil at a rally at Nashik Road.Citing his earlier decision of allowing a re-test for students who failed class X examination, within a month after the results were out, the minister said, "The decision saw more than 55,000 students benefiting as they could save a year.

We are planning similar moves that will bring glory to the professionals in the education sector," Tawde said.Later, Patil filed his nomination papers with returning officer Eknath Dawle, divisional revenue commissioner.

Patil was flanked by the Union minister of state for defence Subhash Bhamre, former MP Pratapdada Sonawane, district guardian minister Girish Mahajan and others.Prakash Desle of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Mahesh Kadus, Bapu Randhir, Sanjay Suryawanshi, and Vijay Gaikwad were the others who filed nomination papers on Monday.Congress candidate and sitting MLC, Sudhir Tambe is expected to file his nomination on Tuesday.
