Noida rape: DM’s team to check school safety

Noida | Monday | 16th July, 2018


Most probably, we will change her school over the next few days,” he said.Neighbours of the girl and some parents whose children study in the Greater Noida school demanded exemplary punishment for the pool lifeguard. “They will check for safety arrangements for students and see if the entire campus is covered by CCTV cameras. Chandi is a contractual employee of the school who works as a lifeguard at the pool. He stays in a rented house in a society in Kasna area with his wife and a son.On Sunday, the girl’s father said the district magistrate had promised them a fair probe. NOIDA: A five-member team headed by an additional district magistrate will inspect safety measures in the Greater Noida school where a nursery student was allegedly raped by a swimming pool lifeguard last week.The committee, formed by district magistrate BN Singh, will examine CCTV cameras on the campus and other safety arrangements for students and submit a report in two weeks..