EPCA gets tough with NCR on clean air plan but how will it stop use of diesel gensets?

Noida | Friday | 14th September, 2018


Delhi cannot win the battle to clean up its air if NCR cities don’t follow suit. According to an estimate, there are around 11,000 diesel gensets of 500kVA capacity in Gurugram. Last year, NCR cities were permitted to use diesel gensets and exempted from the odd-even scheme due to lack of infrastructure but those exemptions have been lifted this year.EPCA chairman Bhure Lal said, “DG sets can’t run in NCR. Since outages happen daily and are frequent, gensets are the lifeline of all housing societies.“It is extremely difficult to ban diesel gensets as there are many societies that don’t have any power supply, especially in new sectors. Gurgaon’s new sectors (58-115) run entirely on gensets because power substations have not yet been built..