Both varsity troublemakers are absconding, say police

Noida | Sunday | 7th October, 2018


“It is the responsibility of the university to provide security to students inside the premises. We have written to them asking them to improve their security apparatus,” Amit Srivastava, circle officer ( Greater Noida 1) said. NOIDA: Deepak Sharma and Ved Nagar , identified as the main troublemakers who fomented student protests at Sharda University , are still free, though police have registered cases against both of them under various sections of the IPC and the IT Act.Police said that both were absconding. “We are searching for the accused but they are absconding,” Knowledge Park SHO Arvind Pathak said.Police asked the university to maintain “internal security” and expressed concern that there were only four wardens for different hostels in the university. Nagar had visited the district magistrate’s office on October 4 and handed over a memorandum seeking action against the Afghan students who had allegedly thrashed an Indian student last Monday, the incident that provoked the row..