Noida puts tyre killers on roads to stop driving on wrong side

Noida | Tuesday | 8th January, 2019


NOIDA: Tyre killers were installed on a road between sectors 74 and 77 on Monday evening in an attempt to stop wrong-side driving. Tyre killers are metal stripes with sharp spikes, having an 80mm distance between them. Amit Kumar Bimal, a resident of Eldeco Aamantran, said tyre killers would discourage wrong-side driving.“There is a need to discipline traffic violators. The Noida Authority has installed lights on the stretch so that the spikes are visible from a distance and placed banners to create awareness. The Authority and traffic police believe the tyre killers would act as a deterrent for errant drivers since the 74,000 challans issued last year for wrong-side driving have failed to instill discipline..