Noida: Woman jumps from 5th floor of hospital

Noida | Tuesday | 19th February, 2019


She reached the fifth floor and jumped from there around 1pm.“She jumped from the fifth floor and narrowly missed hitting the sweepers below,” a hospital worker said.The woman was admitted to the emergency ward and taken to the operation theatre. NOIDA: A 19-year-old woman allegedly jumped from the fifth floor of a private hospital where she works in Sector 35.The woman, who works in the dialysis department of Surbhi hospital as an assistant, was admitted to the same hospital but was referred to a higher centre in Delhi after her condition deteriorated. Police said Kanchan, a resident of Trilokpuri, had come to the hospital for her morning shift. However, looking at her deteriorating condition, she was referred to a higher centre in Delhi. Mithilesh Upadhyay, the SHO of Sector 49 police station, said the family of the woman had been informed but they are yet to give a written complaint.“We are probing all angles..