Noida to hire private agency to monitor housing projects

Noida | Saturday | 27th May, 2017


NOIDA: The Noida Authority will appoint a private agency to monitor housing projects with thousands of homebuyers still waiting for flats due years ago to be delivered.The Authority on Friday invited an expression of interest (EOI) to appoint a private agency to monitor the progress of ongoing and delayed projects. "The applications can be handed over to Santosh Kumar, officer on special duty, Group Housing, Noida Authority and a soft copy is to be uploaded on The aim is to ensure delivery of flats as per the new schedules that defaulting realtors have committed to.According to officials, the agency will work as a consultant for Noida Authority. Interested agencies should have required capabilities and experience in areas such as processes, standard operating procedures, housing, taxation, legal and financial, besides experience in monitoring under-construction projects," Singh said. "The idea is to facilitate homebuyers in Noida with respect to mitigating challenges in taking possession of their properties and in us recovering our dues," said Shishir Singh, additional CEO..