ABVP sweeps LNMU students’ union polls

Patna | Sunday | 11th March, 2018


On the basis of strength of students, some colleges elected more than one councillor.The LNMU held its students’ union polls after nearly four decades. “With ABVP winning all the seats in LNMU students’ union election, a new environment has been created in which general students will not have any difficulty in getting their problems solved at the university level. Election was held in a free and fair manner with proper security arrangements,” Sarawgi said.Chief election officer Muneshwar Yadav said 171 of 189 voters exercised their franchise in the election held on Friday. Abhijaat Kumar defeated his rival Vivek Kumar to bag the post of vice-president.Aditya Kumar defeated his nearest rival Dhiraj Kumar to win the elction for the post of general secretary. Elections to college level student unions in LNMU were held on February 26..