Forecast for thunderstorm amid hot, humid weather

Patna | Saturday | 19th May, 2018


PATNA: The India Meteorological Department IMD ) on Saturday forecast thunderstorm activities at isolated places in Bihar over the next two days amid sultry weather conditions.These thunderstorm activities have been attributed to a cyclonic circulation over west Bihar and neighbouring areas.Meanwhile, most parts of the state have started witnessing hot and humid conditions. Bihar too would be hit by monsoon clouds around the normal time of June 10-12,” said Indian Meteorological Society’s Bihar chapter secretary Pradhan Parthsarthy. If it rains for the next four to five days, then the onset of monsoon would be declared at Andaman and Nicobar around May 23. “Satellite images are showing cloud formation near Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The maximum temperature in Patna is hovering around 38-39 degrees C amid humidity measuring in the range of 60-70%.The IMD in its evening bulletin on Saturday said conditions were becoming favourable for advance of southwest monsoon over south Andaman Sea and neighbourhood around May 23.Earlier on Friday, the IMD announced that southwest monsoon would set over Kerala coast on May 29, two days ahead of the normal monsoon onset day of June 1.While the eastern branch of southwest monsoon enters from the Arabian Sea into mainland India through Kerala coast around June 1, its western wing enters India through the Bay of Bengal and sets over Bihar through the north-eastern districts of Kishanganj and Katihar by June 10-12.Weather experts said monsoon was likely to hit the state around the normal date..