Bihar govt collects fresh bird samples for test

Patna | Thursday | 27th December, 2018


However, a crow was spotted dead near Vidyut Bhawan in Patna on Thursday. “We have divided the zoo into sections like zoological, parks and pathways among others. Animal husbandry department director Vinod Singh Gunjiyal said no unnatural death of any bird was reported from any district and the serum surveillance work was going on a war footing. The zoo workers have been working tirelessly to disinfect the area,” he said.“For their safety, the workers have been given anti-viral flu medicines at the camp on Thursday,” Shukla said.A serum surveillance was also conducted in the 9km radius of Patna zoo to assess the spread of avian influenza virus outside its premises. PATNA: Following the standard operating procedure of central government, the expert committee of state animal husbandry department on Thursday collected fresh samples of birds from Patna zoo and conducted health check-up of its employees.The committee of veterinary doctors and officials collected birds’ drooping, feathers or body parts and would send the samples to Bhopal-based National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (NIHSAD) laboratory for test after six peafowls died at Patna zoo between December 16 and 23 due to H5N1 or bird flu Zoo director Amit Kumar said the fresh samples collected from random birds would be sent to Bhopal laboratory by December 30..