Chinese pilgrim seeks pardon for tormentor

Patna | Sunday | 31st March, 2019


Truly from my heart, I want to forgive him, which is the way Buddha showed us. PATNA: In a rare spiritual gesture, the 32-year-old Chinese pilgrim , who was allegedly molested inside Mahabodhi Mahavihara on Friday morning, has sought pardon for her tormentor identified as Vicky.In an application addressed to the Bodh Gaya police station SHO, the woman has said that being a true Buddhist, she does not want punishment for the man for his immoral deed. “This is what Buddha would have done,” she said. “It was not my intention to punish anyone. I want him to really understand that it is wrong which he did to a single woman and it was not right to take advantage of pilgrims.”SSP Rajiv Mishra said the man had committed an offence and law would take its course..