Tax on 80% items may be slashed: SuMo

Patna | Wednesday | 8th November, 2017


"Tax rates on 80 per cent of 227 items falling in top slab is likely to be reduced from 28 per cent to 18 per cent in the next GST council meeting. PATNA: Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi, who is also a member of the GST Council, said on Wednesday that tax rates on 80 per cent items of top 28 per cent slab are likely to be slashed at the council's meeting starting in Guwahati on Thursday. The GST fitment committee has also recommended reducing tax rates from 18 per cent to 12 per cent on a number of goods," he said at a function here. They want to change the way business is done and are not willing to continue with the kachcha bill system," he said. "The new generation of traders is rapidly moving towards digitization..