Congress will be wiped out in 2019: BJP

Puducherry | Thursday | 21st June, 2018


more-inThe local unit president of Bharatiya Janata Party V.

Swaminathan on Wednesday said the Congress would be wiped out in the next Lok Sabha elections. The BJP leader told a press conference here that Chief Minister V.

Narayanasamy was day dreaming of the Congress coming to power at the Centre in the next Lok Sabha polls. The plan outlay of ?7,350 crore was the highest ever and the Chief Minister should be gracious enough to acknowledge it, he said. Mr.

Swaminathan said the Chief Minister should stop criticising the Centre after the approval had been given for presenting the full budget. Later in the day, BJP workers staged a demonstration outside the Oulgaret Municipality to protest against the collection of fee for sewage connection..