Teachers, staff of aided schools protest

Puducherry | Friday | 3rd August, 2018


Fighting for pay: Teaching and non-teaching staff staging a sit-in at St.

Mathias Higher Secondary School at Uppalam in Puducherry on Thursday as part of the protest organised by The Government Aided School Teachers and Employees Federation. | Photo Credit: S_S_KUMARmore-inThe Government Aided School Teachers and Employees Federation on Thursday staged a sit-in on the premises of the Directorate of School Education demanding immediate disbursal of salaries pending for five months. Federation secretary A.

Martin Kennedy said the teachers and employees of 32 aided schools, who were supposed to get their salaries on the last working day of every month, had not been paid till July. Although repeated representations had been made to the authorities concerned, they had failed to evoke any response, Mr.

Kennedy added. The employees were badly in need of money to meet the educational expenses of their wards and had been forced to borrow from money lenders, he said..