HSC results likely to be delayed as moderators boycott paper checking

Pune | Friday | 23rd February, 2018


Pune: Results of the higher secondary certificate ( HSC , Std XII) examination, which began on February 21, are likely to be delayed as chief moderators and moderators from Pune division have decided to boycott paper assessment work over their unfulfilled demands. We have also requested the teachers to cooperate and resume work.” The association said it will intensify its agitation and that moderators from across the state would boycott paper assessment workAnil Deshmukh, general secretary of the state association, said, “We have sent several reminders to the state government regarding our demands, but there has been no response. We are not to be blamed if the results are delayed.”Meanwhile, chairperson of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Shakuntala Kale, said, “We have forwarded to the state government the list of demands received from the junior college teachers’ association. All the moderators are affiliated to the Maharashtra Junior College Teachers’ Association.The protesting teachers have a pending list of 32 demands, which include splitting of science papers into two, making information technology an aided subject to make it affordable, and grant for approved teacher appointments since 2014..