No method to traffic flow on Law College, Prabhat roads

Pune | Monday | 26th February, 2018


We generally try to avoid Law College Road during peak hours in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic,” said Isha Jalan , a local resident.Jalan said that over the years, people have started using Prabhat Road to avoid traffic on Law College Road. It takes as much as half an hour to commute from one end of Law College Road to another. “We are devising a plan to ease traffic on Law College Road by routing incoming traffic from SB Road through SNDT Road and onwards to Nal Stop. Currently, SNDT Road is a one-way road for traffic from Karve Road to Law College. “Some road widening work is underway near SNDT College and Canal Road but I do not know to what extent that will help in stemming the flow of traffic on Law College Road..