Pune Protesters target eight PMPML buses

Pune | Tuesday | 11th September, 2018


About eight PMPML buses were targeted by the bandh supporters. They were released later in the day,” DCP Ashok Morale told TOI.“Eight of our buses were damaged. However, we didn’t stop our services and buses plied in all parts of the city,” an PMPML official said, adding that that close to 1,200 PMPML buses plied with an average load factor resting at around 60%.The official said the vandalized buses included six owned by PMPML and two of the private operators.“After 11am, we got reports about buses being targeted by protesters. Stones were pelted on five of them, while the tyres of three buses were deflated by the protestors. Some demonstrators forced the bus driver to stop the vehicle on the road and told the bus passengers to alight from it before pelting stones on it..