Special panchayat meeting tomorrow to address trash trouble in Wagholi

Pune | Saturday | 22nd September, 2018


It is learnt that the administration has stopped garbage lifting as the space where garbage is being dumped presently has been identified for a waste processing unit. The association claimed that the situation had worsened in the past couple of weeks as the gram panchayat had stopped lifting of garbage.“The garbage bins are overflowing. Pune: The residents’ outcry over the past few days over garbage mess has prompted the Wagholi gram panchayat authorities to convene a special meeting on Monday to resolve the impasse over non-lifting of trash.Thousands of residents from various housing societies in Wagholi are irked over non-lifting of garbage for the past eight days. Residents have been demanding provision for garbage processing units to stop open dumping of trash.The residents’ forum (Wagholi Housing Societies Residents’ Association) stated that despite repeated follow-up, the issues related to garbage lifting, open dumping and garbage burning had not been resolved. At present, the daily garbage is being dumped at an open yard..