No let-up in sting scare with 207 dengue cases in 13 days

Pune | Monday | 15th October, 2018


PUNE: Sting scare continues to haunt residents with the city recording 207 dengue cases so far this month.Post-monsoon showers in some areas a few days ago, wide fluctuations in day and night temperatures and water stagnation at constructions sites are some of the reasons for the dengue cases.“Most cases are being reported from the fringes. Uncovered containers act as the breeding grounds for dengue mosquitoes,” senior paediatrician Sharad Agarkhedkar said.Experts are also intrigued by the fact that why Pune is always in the grip of viral infections. Workplaces are also breeding grounds of dengue causing mosquitoes. “Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering containers to deny access to egg-laying female mosquitoes, should be followed,” Wavare said.The civic administration considers the dengue cases reported by government-designated sentinel centres as “confirmed”. There has been morbid indifference on the part of the municipal corporation when it comes to checking mosquito-borne diseases..