Pune Couple killed over black magic two held

Pune | Friday | 9th November, 2018


Borkar suspected that it due to the black magic done by Lilabai," a senior officer at Khed police station said. "During the probe, Lilabai's daughter told us that in the past her mother had arguments with Borkar. "A few days ago, Borkar's daughter had developed cyst in her abdomen. "Baban's wife had also developed some rashes on her body and even he suspected that it was due to Lilabai's black magic," he added.According to the officer, on Thursday both the accused stormed into Mukane's house with sticks and sharp weapons and attacked Lilabai. During his interrogation, he spilled the beans and confessed to killing the couple with the help of Baban," he added.A case under section 302 (murder) has been registered against the duo, police said..