Six in SUV overtake car plying slowly abuse and beat up driver

Pune | Tuesday | 13th November, 2018


“Since the SUV was just behind Jedhe’s car, it is suspected that the six men may have gotten annoyed with Jedhe’s slow driving,” the officer said.The SUV driver somehow managed to overtake Jedhe’s car at Shelarmama Chowk and brought his car to an abrupt halt. “As the road was dug up at many places to facilitate the ongoing Metro works, Jedhe was driving his car carefully and slowly,” Joshi said.Police suspect that the SUV occupants were miffed by Jedhe over driving his vehicle slowly. “The suspects then abused Jedhe before kicking and punching him continuously for some time,” Joshi said.They beat Jedhe up till he fell on the road. “We are yet to record Jedhe’s statement since he is still undergoing treatment for head injuries and is not in a state to speak. “When he did not move, the suspects left him on the road and sped away,” Joshi said.Later, some passersby noticed Jedhe lying on the road unconsciously and informed the police..