Man blackmails 16yearold girl booked

Pune | Friday | 7th December, 2018


When she stopped paying him, the suspect started seeking sexual favours from her, police said.A few days ago, the girl explained her plight to her mother. After consulting the rest of the family, the girl’s mother, 48, lodged a complaint with the Warje police station. It is not clear whether the girl saved her pocket money or borrowed money from her family, but she paid the suspect Rs31,000. We will soon arrest the agency operator,” inspector Prakash Khandale of Warje police station said.The girl, a standard XII student of a city college, stays in the Warje area with her family. According to police, she aspired to be an actor, and believed she can break into acting after becoming a model.The girl came into contact with the modelling agency operator during her quest to become a model..