Of 10000 NRIs from state 68 register as voters

Pune | Sunday | 9th December, 2018


PUNE: Out of approximately 10,000 NRIs from the state, only 68 have so far registered as voters during the ongoing voter registration drive this year. My children are planning to register as NRI voters and may even come down during the elections next year,” said Subhash Kulkarni, secretary of Non-Resident Indian Parents Organisation (NRIPO). In comparison, 100 voters each from Kerala, Puducherry and Punjab have registered as voters. He said that many of the members’ children have not registered as voters as the process has not been simplified. If online voting process is allowed, how can we be sure that he/she is not under any pressure to vote for a particular person and there is no proxy voting without our knowledge,’’ adds another official.“If the NRIs register themselves as voters, they have to come down to vote..