Party crowd head to Raj, Goa for Xmas & New Year

Pune | Tuesday | 18th December, 2018


PUNE: Revellers gearing up to party into 2019 have picked Rajasthan and Goa to celebrate. Goa has always been a popular winter vacation spot like every year,” Gupta said.Zelam Chaubal, the director of Kesari Tours Pvt Ltd, said her patrons were in favour of Rajasthan, Goa, Sikkim and Darjeeling. They were high on the travel radar this Christmas and New Year period, she said.“Tourists who went to Kerala are now heading to Rajasthan, which is the top destination for our company this period. Also, the number of bookings made over one month in advance has increased by 41%. Advance bookings have increased by 14%..