Ambedkarite outfits speak up in support of Teltumbde: ‘Drop fabricated charges’

Pune | Saturday | 19th January, 2019


As is very well known, under the UAPA, these fabrications are enough to detain Dr Teltumbde. Notwithstanding this proof, the false charges have continued in a concerted campaign to intimidate and silence Dr Teltumbde. Dr Teltumbde is one of India’s leading contemporary public intellectuals and an internationally known scholar…Over his long career, Dr Teltumbde has consistently been on the side of social justice, democracy, and the Indian Constitution,” stated the organisations. Various Ambedkarite organisations have come together to demand that charges against Anand Teltumbde, who has been named an accused in the Elgaar Parishad case, be dropped immediately as they were “fabricated”. The FIR in the case has named 22 accused, including Milind Teltumbde, an alleged Maoist operative and the brother of Anand Teltumbde..