Leopard poached with paws and teeth hacked off

Pune | Saturday | 19th January, 2019


Not only was the cat killed in cold blood with a country rifle, its paws had been sawed off and teeth plucked out. wildlifearrestedkillerleopardIn a rare and rather vicious episode, a case ofpoaching has been reported at Velha taluka of Pune district. The role of three more locals came to light, leading to the arrest of two; the one who actually killed the leopard is still absconding. “In fact, it is unclear what price teeth and nails of a leopard can fetch in the illegal market (where elephant tusks and tiger claws are more common wares). An immediate raid of the Kondhalkars’ home was conducted.Soon, Narayan handed over 16 nails and two teeth, admitting to being involved in the killing..