Cops tweak traffic plans to stop wrong-side driving

Pune | Tuesday | 12th February, 2019


The police registered 644 wrong-side driving cases in January.“The department had identified 53 locations where wrong-side driving is rampant. A permanent solution must be sought to stop wrong-side driving, instead of going with the contraflow lanes.” PUNE: The traffic police have started making some engineering changes on roads and stepped up the crackdown to stop wrong-side driving Besides sealing punctures on various roads across the city, the traffic police are making contraflow lanes on thoroughfares by using barricades to stop people from resorting to wrong-side driving. She said, “Why should one make contraflow lanes on one-way roads? “Having such contraflow lanes is like admitting that people will resort to wrong-side driving on one-way roads,” said Ranjit Gadgil, programme director of NGO Parisar.“This is a crude planning and cannot work as a policy..