For first time, nearly 1,200 junior colleges to undergo inspection in Pune

Pune | Friday | 20th November, 2015


For the first time, a comprehensive inspection of all 1,200-odd junior colleges in Pune division — Pune, Satara, Ahmednagar — will be conducted by the office of the deputy director of education (DDE). Jadhav said that the junior colleges should take these inspections seriously as it could impact their reports and grants. “Until now, we used to select a few junior colleges randomly and carry out the inspections. Now, in a bid to improve the quality of education and ensure fairness, at least one inspection drive would cover all the junior colleges. Within a few days, we will issue a notification to all the colleges to keep their records ready as it will be a surprise inspection,” said Meenakshi Raut, assistant director of education, Pune..