Symbiosis international students rejoice at convocation

Pune | Tuesday | 20th June, 2017


The Symbiosis International student's convocation ceremony was recently held at the Vishwabhavan Auditorium of Symbiosis.During the convocation ceremony several awards were given out to the deserving students as an appreciation of their hard work. He congratulated all the graduating students and wished them luck and prosperity in their life's. Chief Guest for the evening Shrinivas Patil, Governor of Sikkim, presented the degrees at a well-attended convocation ceremony. He then concluded his speech by spreading the motto 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakkam' which stands for 'World is one family'. SB Mujumdar , Founder and President of Symbiosis Society too motivated the graduating students by explaining them the importance of education and motivated them with the idea of innovative thinking and thirst for passion to deal with further competencies in life after college..