Death penalty for three in 2014 rape & murder of minor

Pune | Friday | 10th November, 2017


There were no witnesses," Nikam said.The trio was tried under IPC sections 302 (murder), 376 (rape), 376-A (causing death in the commission of rape), 354 (molestation), 120B (criminal conspiracy) and 34 (common intention) and Sections 3 to 6 of POCSO Act. The death sentences are subject to confirmation of the Bombay high court," Nikam told TOI.The gruesome nature of the crime had sent shock waves through the district. "The accused then stuffed mud in her mouth and nose, causing her death by asphyxiation. "After committing the rape , one of the accused caught hold of her, another assaulted her with a steel screwdriver and the third hit her with a stone," Nikam said. "The court has given capital punishment to Santosh Vishnu Lonkar (35), Mangesh Dattatreya Lonkar (30) and Dattatreya Shankar Shinde (27) for gang-rape and murder and life sentence for criminal conspiracy..