Barred from leaving class, 8-yr-old sets self ablaze

Raipur | Friday | 23rd February, 2018


The head master who was taking the class asked him to sit in class and not make excuses. But Nageshwar again said he wanted to go to washroom and head master asked him to return soon. He didn’t complain of stomach ache but he wanted to go to relieve himself. Within an hour school was informed about the boy setting himself ablaze,” Chandravanshi said adding that the scene was verified with other students present in class too.When teachers reached his home, the boy was taken to hospital.Boy’s parents weren’t at home when he reached back and he poured kerosene oil upon him and immolated self.Three neighbours who heard his screams rushed for his rescue and doused fire before informing his parents. He later succumbed to burns.During probe, police found in attendance registers that the boy remained absent but the reason for his absence was yet to be known.Police said no FIR was lodged as yet and statements were being recorded from students and teachers.Police was also investigating other angles in the matter because after the boy’s mother committed suicide few years ago, his father married another women who eloped recently and the man had recently married for the third time..