Meet the rappers and hip hop artistes from the bylanes of Raipur

Raipur | Tuesday | 19th February, 2019


Vikas Shukla, a 25-year-old student works parttime in a factory warehouse in Raipur. Groups of youngsters from across Chhattisgarh — from Raipur Street to Durg’s bylanes — are putting the angst and the struggle of their daily lives into impressive lines that perfectly suit the medium of rap . Aged between 20 and 25, these boys pen down their experience and jazz it up with peppy music and add a bit of street dancing. After the last bell, Vikas goes back home to home, settles down and writes poetry. Together with his friend Abhinav Sharma, the two of them add a bit of tune and tempo to the lines and voila, they are rapping out their writings!.