Engineering student gets life in jail for acid attack on teen girl

Rajkot | Thursday | 19th April, 2018


Prajapati came from behind her on a bike and threw acid on her face, chest, arms and other body parts. Due to the acid attack, Kajal lost her vision and her face was badly disfigured.The incident happened on February 1 when Kajal, a first-year-old commerce student, was on her way to V R Patel Commerce College in Nagalpur adjoining Mehsana. The doctors are tell us that they need to perform several plastic surgeries. PALANPUR/AHMEDABAD: There was some good news for acid victim Kajal Prajapati on Wednesday when a court in Mehsana sentenced to life imprisonment the 23-year-old man who had ruined her life two years ago.The principal sessions court judge, D A Joshi, sentenced to life Hardik Prajapati , an engineering student, who had thrown acid on Kajal’s face and body after she refused his proposal for a relationship. She had suffered 16% burns, mainly on her face and neck.“If Prajapati does not pay the fine, he will have to serve additional time six months in prison,” said Sanjay Patel, additional public prosecutor..