Hurling abuses snowballs into clash, 15 injured

Rajkot | Wednesday | 5th September, 2018


Both groups accused each other of hurling abuses at each other. The 15 persons injured include one woman from the Koli community and four from the Odh community.The first FIR was lodged by Arvind Gohel (28) from Odh community against Kalu Mehr, his sons Hitesh and Sanjay and 29 others. Within minutes, the situation became tense with both groups coming out on the streets with swords, sticks and other weapons. Both the groups also lodged cross-complaints with the A-Division police station. Three cops sustained minor injuries on the head and chest, police said.Police arrested 26 persons late night on Monday in connection with the clash and booked them for rioting and unlawful assembly..