Decision on Meghalaya Assembly Speaker s Post in a Limbo

Shillong | Saturday | 24th August, 2019


A ReporterSHILLONG: A day after the United Progressive Front (UPF), which comprises of six MLAs in the MDA government, revealing it's intention of fielding it's own candidate for the vacant Speaker's post, NPP leader and Deputy Chief Minister of Meghalaya Prestone Tynsong said that the matter will be discussed in an MDA meeting which will be held probably before the Assembly session in September. Speaking to reporters on Friday, Tynsong said, “The issue of the Speaker's post at the Legislative Assembly will be discussed at an MDA meeting and even our party NPP nor will the UDP will stake claim of the post nor will other political parties within the alliance.”He said that there is a need to hold the MDA meeting with all the alliance partners to come out with a consensus on the issue concerning the vacant Speaker's post. As the Assembly session will be held in September, he said that as the chairman of the MDA is Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma a decision on the date for the MDA meeting will be announced by him, however this meeting will be held soon. On the by-election at Shella constituency, he said, “At present we as a party (NPP) have yet to discuss on this subject matter if we will field a candidate or not however this will also be discussed at the MDA government.”Meanwhile, when contacted NPP state president Dr.

WR Kharlukhi also reiterated that the subject matter concerning the Speakers post will only be taken up at the MDA meeting. Also Read: Meghalaya Assembly Speaker Donkupar Roy No MoreAlso Watch: Government takes step for Assamese film and cinema halls' improvement | The Sentinel News | Assam N.