All railway projects on hold in Ri Bhoi

Shillong | Friday | 21st July, 2017


Several KSU members were arrested following vandalization of the railway construction site and subsequent assault of labourers. SHILLONG: Buckling under pressure from NGOs and student unions, the state government has put on hold railway construction projects in the Ri Bhoi district until the state can put in place mechanisms to deal with influx and illegal immigration in the state. Violence was first reported at Byrnihat in May this year at the proposed construction site of the 22-km Tetelia-Byrnihat railway line. The decision will be conveyed to the Indian Railways soon, he added.The state government has identified several sites for entry and exit points. Work on some of the entry-exit points are at an advanced stage - including two in Jaintia Hills and four in Garo Hills ..