Steam engine chugs specially for school kids at KalkaShimla heritage tracks

Shimla | Saturday | 16th February, 2019


Shimla: “This is my first time in a steam engine. Two coaches were attached to the 113-year-old KC -520 steam locomotive commissioned in 1906. A special exhibition was also organised at Shimla and Kalka railway stations.Railway officials said that the engine has been working on superheat steam since 1956. The locomotive, which was withdrawn from service in 1971, was restored again in 2001 and now can be chartered between Shimla and Kaithlighat.Before commencing the journey, Aditya Sharma, Kalka-Shimla society head, briefed the school children about the heritage value of the locomotive and coaches. I woke up at 6am to get ready, so that I will reach Shimla station on time,” said Rajat Kumar, the youngest boy travelling in the special steam engine plying between Shimla and Kathlighat stations on Friday to celebrate the heritage month of famous Kalka-Shimla tracks.As many as 26 children from various schools of Shimla went on the special steam-engine journey..