Gitanjali Gems may lose De Beers sightholder status

Surat | Thursday | 22nd February, 2018


Being a De Beers sightholder is something the diamond companies in India and around the world take pride. Losing the sigththoldership means losing business worldwide.” We don’t trade with any business where we have particular concerns.”Industry sources said losing De Beers sightholdership will be a big blow to Gitanjali as a brand worldwide. In every advertisement, endorsements and even during the public events the sightholder company display the DTC logo, which affirms the authenticity and reputation of the diamond company.Diamond analyst Aniruddha Lidbide said, “I have serious doubts that De Beers will continue Gitanjali Gems as a sightholder. De Beers is very strict in financial reporting and they have set the best practice principle for all their clients across the world..