Bring meaning to people’s lives: Tharoor

Thiruvananthapuram | Tuesday | 8th May, 2018


During a conversation with the participants of the ‘Kilikoottam’ summer camp, Dr.

Tharoor said that he had entered politics with an aim to bring meaningful changes in the lives of the people. Borrowing the crux of social reformer Sree Narayana Guru’s teaching that one should try to improve oneself, Dr.

Tharoor said he believed that the nation must progress irrespective of the politics one practised. To a question posed by camp participant Amala on whether he aspired to act in films, Dr.

Tharoor reminisced his childhood days when he had performed in several plays. more-inShashi Tharoor, MP, on Monday provided the participants of the summer camp at the Kerala State Council for Child Welfare a glimpse of the ideals that drove him ahead in his political life. In an interesting tidbit, Dr.

Tharoor also had to turn down an offer to enact the role of the Union Minister for External Affairs, when he had been a Union Minister of State for External Affairs..