Food delivery apps are the order of the day

Thiruvananthapuram | Thursday | 7th June, 2018


For the fast-expanding mobile app Swapp, food delivery is one of the many services on offer. For Hoppon, an e-commerce platform for “hyper-local businesses” currently supported only on Android, the food delivery department is an integral part of its larger business network. Restaurants and home chefs seem to embrace this symbiotic model of food delivery as it helps cut down transportation charges and tide over practical hurdles. If the four key players in the market have IT-based origin, Rabbito, a stand-alone food delivery app launched earlier this year, took wing after a group of four friends faced a practical dilemma. Bavani says Swapp aims to finish the delivery within 30 minutes from the time the food is prepared, depending on the locations, while also employing an “internal” delivery team..