Vizhinjam port works hit again

Thiruvananthapuram | Thursday | 19th July, 2018


Thiruvananthapuram: High waves over the last couple of days have caused damages to the steel and stone structure at the piling jetty of the deep water seaport under construction at Vizhinjam. Earlier, the AVPPL officials had hinted at a minimum two-month delay for the completion of the first phase of Vizhinjam port. As per the agreement, the first phase of the works has to be completed by December 2019. The total damage is being ascertained, said the company sources.As the sea became rough and the high waves, coupled with high velocity wind, hit the temporary structures with great force, the temporary platform being used to approach permanent structures, got dislodged. The damage caused is learnt to be severe as the structure got detached from the main land.According to information from Adani Vizhinjam Port Private Limited (AVPPL), which is implementing the project along with Vizhinjam International Seaport Limited (VISL), the jetty construction work has come to a standstill..