Thushar Vellappally justifies SNDP's stand on 'women's wall'

Thiruvananthapuram | Saturday | 8th December, 2018


"SNDP is participating in a programme being organized by the state government in connection with the celebration of renaissance values. It has not been organized by any political party. However, the BDJS later distanced itself from the protests organized by BJP in connection with the Sabarimala issue.Meanwhile, A N Radhakrihsnan, said, "I will not call off the fast till the government withdraws prohibitory orders. I am willing to die for the cause rather than leave it midway," he said.However, resentment is brewing in the BJP as well over the poor resistance the party could put up against the arrest and prolonged judicial custody of general secretary K Surendran. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: BJP state unit's latest attempt to diffuse the confusion among its cadres over the opposite stands taken by SNDP and BDJS towards the government policies once again failed to hit the bull's eye as the BDJS chief Thushar Vellappally stood firm on SNDP's decision to support the 'women's wall' programme by the LDF government.Speaking in front of secretariat here where the BJP state general secretary A N Radhakrishnan is observing fast for the fourth consecutive day in protest against the arrest of party leader K Surendran and the prohibitory orders in Sabarimala , Thushar Vellappallay said there was nothing wrong in SNDP's stand..