Paver blocks laid in front of temple

Trichy | Friday | 11th May, 2018


Reacting to the apprehensions of the temple authorities that the paver blocks have been laid above the existing road level and water would flow into the temple during rainy seasons, the officials said the paver blocks were laid according to the specifications after completely removing the existing road layers. more-inThe State Highways has laid paver blocks in front of Sri Ramanathaswamy temple for the benefit of pilgrims visiting the island to offer worship at the temple after taking holy bath at the Agnitheertham sea in front of the eastern entrance of the temple. The stretch renewed with paver blocks would be very useful to the pilgrims, they claimed. Officials said they removed the bitumen and concrete layers before laying the high stone 80 mm paver blocks, specially made for the stretch. The blocks were laid in such a manner that water would flow into the sea and not into the temple during the rainy seasons, they said..