BHU youth to PM Narendra Modi: Live in tent like Ram

Varanasi | Saturday | 5th January, 2019


By passing a resolution, the BJP had expressed its commitment at Palampur Himachal Pradesh ) convention (in 1989) to build a temple at the birth place of lord Ram in Ayodhya." VARANASI: Reacting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent remark suggesting to wait for an ordinance on Ram temple till the legal process gets over, a group of students of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has urged him to live in a tent like Lord Ram is living in Ayodhya during the period of judicial process. Along with a request letter, they have also sent a 'tripal' (tarpaulin) to the Prime Minister through a parcel on Thursday.In the letter addressed to the Prime Minister on behalf of BHU students, they said: "Lord Ram has been living under tent at his birthplace in Ayodhya since 1992..