Doctor is only a click away in Varanasi’s digital village

Varanasi | Thursday | 17th September, 2020


Varanasi: A doctor is just a click away for residents of Varanasi’s Gaura, the district’s first digital village with around 2,500 residents, thanks to the tele-consultation facility at its digital centre, allowing people to seek relief from non-emergency ailments without having to leave the confines of their hamlet.


Varanasi: A doctor is just a click away for residents of Varanasi’s Gaura, the district’s first digital village with around 2,500 residents, thanks to the tele-consultation facility at its digital centre, allowing people to seek relief from non-emergency ailments without having to leave the confines of their hamlet.

Take the case of Mala Devi Maurya, a Gaura homemaker in her early 50s, who battled anxiety from January to June.

Relief came in July when she took expert advice via tele-consultation at the digital centre in the village after being prompted to do so by Sanjay Maurya, the digital village centre head.

Helping Mala overcome her initial hesitation, Sanjay Maurya logged on to the digital village website and selected an online physician for consultation.

Mala told the doctor, “I suffered from anxiety and nervousness in January.

I visited a doctor at a town nearby.

The doctor prescribed medicines and advised me to rest.