10 arrested for obscene dancing, causing nuisance at Ganesh pandals

Vijayawada | Saturday | 15th September, 2018


Vijayawada: As many as ten people including four women have been arrested by cops for causing a public nuisance with obscene dances at Ganesh pandals on Thursday evening at Nunna. Stringent action would be initiated on those who violate the rules to conduct unsocial activities at Ganesh pandals, Rao further said. Upon receiving the information, we rushed to the spot and found ten people - four women and six men including the organisers on the stage. According to the cops, the organisers did not have the permission to build a dais to conduct dance events at Ganesh pandals.Nunna inspector M V Durga Rao told that they received information regarding dance event at Ganesh pandals at about 8:30 PM on Thursday. We arrested all of them under section 30 of police act for violating rules under section 290, 294 of IPC for causing nuisance in the public.He has asked everyone to go to the designated ghats at Sitamma Vari Padalu and immerse the idols in Krishna River only..