It’s celebration time at KLU

Visakhapatnam | Friday | 6th April, 2018


Business school principal Kishore Babu said that KLU would strive to provide better quality education for the students and achieve more tanks in future. more-inManagement and students of Koneru Lakshmaiah University (KLU) distributed sweets and celebrated the occasion for being in top position in AP and Telangana States, in the ranks announced by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). Reddy and Registrar T.

Umamaheswara Rao cut the cake and said that the university management would strive to be improve its ranking in the coming days. KLU vice-president Koneru Raja Hareen, Vice-Chancellor L.S.S. He said the credit to achieve top tank in the State goes to the management, staff and the faculty..