‘BE FAST’ to recognise heart stroke

Visakhapatnam | Friday | 27th April, 2018


The endovascular surgeons performed a procedure of infra-renal venacavoplasty and venoplasty using six stents, for the first time in the State, on April 7. “The golden period for treatment suffering from stroke or having symptoms of stroke is within three hours after the attack,” says Dr.


Dinakar, Medical Superintendent of the hospital. ***A man suffering with the blockage of blood flowing from his the legs, thighs and girdle to heart was saved from an impending limb loss by the endovascular surgeons of Indus Hospitals in the city. Intravenous thrombolytic (clot buster) therapy is the best therapy in select patients, according to Dr.


Suresh Kumar, Neuro Physician of Seven Hills Hospital. A patient’s long-term outcome depends on how much brain is damaged and how quickly the treatment begins..