‘Kakani statue removed due to technical reasons’

Visakhapatnam | Tuesday | 15th May, 2018


Kakani Venkata Ratnam is a Congressman and we object to the shabby treatment to our legendary leader,” he added. “Political personalities like Kakani Venkata Ratnam, N.T. ‘Shabby treatment’Meanwhile, city Congress chief Akula Srinivas flayed the mid-night act of the authorities in the removal of the statue. “We brought the removal of the statue issue, well in advance, to the notice of Ms.

Chennupati Vidya, former Parliamentarian and the member of the statue committee, and to the grandson of Mr.

Venkata Ratnam. more-inTelugu Desam Party Vijayawada (East) MLA Gadde Ramamohan on Monday said the statue of Jai Andhra movement leader Kakani Venkata Ratnam will be reinstalled at the same place once the works of the flyover, coming up across Benz Circle, were completed..